Fairfax R-III


R 5130 Energy Conservation Measures

The conservation measures outlined below should be emphasized at the beginning of each heating season. School principals should advise students and staff of the conservation measures that are being implemented. The cooperation of all concerned will be necessary to make this conservation program successful. Continued emphasis on the need to conserve energy is necessary.

During the Heating Season

  1. Lower thermostats to obtain a building temperature of degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Kindergarten, shower and locker room thermostats may be adjusted to maintain a degree Fahrenheit room temperature.

  2. Adjust heating setback switches to obtain nighttime building temperatures of 63 degrees. All schools are to activate setback switches at the close of school. Where possible, school building thermostats will be set at degrees Fahrenheit to further conserve fuel resources.

  3. Pay particular attention to door and window closures to reduce heat costs.

  4. The maintenance staff will coordinate with school principals on efficient boiler use to insure minimum boiler operations.

  5. The maintenance staff will assess outside air intake systems and adjust where needed to reduce heat loss.

During the Cooling Season

  1. Hold cooling levels for air-conditioned areas at not lower than degrees Fahrenheit during working hours. Activate setback switches at 4:00 p.m. unless the physical plant is specifically exempt to provide comfortable temperatures for special programs in a school.


  1. Reduce interior hall lighting by 50 percent at all times. Insure that classroom lights are out when not in use. Night custodial staff will use minimum lighting necessary to accomplish tasks.

  2. If a special hardship is sustained by an activity, the building principal may make an exception to this regulation.

  3. Drivers of public school vehicles are reminded of the State Air Pollution Control Board regulation which prohibits the running of vehicle engines for more than three minutes when the vehicle is parked, except when the engine provides auxiliary service other than for heating or air conditioning. Fuel economy is enhanced by eliminating unnecessary engine idling when idle time exceeds one minute.

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Board Approved Date: May, 2014
Last Updated: January 2003