Fairfax R-III


R 5230 Accident Reporting

The following guidelines are to be used to determine whether or not a report is to be completed.

A report should be completed when:

  1. The accident requires that a doctor be called.

  2. The accident results in absence of student for one-half day or more.

  3. The accident results in a serious injury.

  4. When in doubt about whether or not a report is needed, complete one.

Accident Report Procedure

  1. The building administrator, designee or nurse initiates the report.

  2. The person in charge at the time of the accident completes the report.

  3. The report is returned in one day to the building office and is forwarded to the principal.

  4. The principal reviews the report and makes a recommendation for corrective action to be taken or notes action taken.

  5. The principal forwards the original copy to the Superintendent/designee. A copy remains in the school.

  6. The Superintendent/designee is responsible for evaluation of the report. It is to serve as a basis for a safety and accident prevention program.

Reports will include:

  1. Date, time and place of accident.

  2. Name and address of injured person(s).

  3. Name of staff member(s) in attendance.

  4. Type of accident.

  5. Personal injures incurred.

  6. Treatment given.

  7. Description of the accident.

  8. Property damage incurred.

  9. Name and address of any parties with first-hand information regarding the accident.

  10. Name of staff member making the report.

  11. Date and time of parent/guardian notification.

All reports shall be sent to the Superintendent/designee. The Superintendent/designee shall report to the Board in writing all serious accidents and shall also submit to the Board periodic statistical reports on the number and types of accidents occurring in the District.

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Board Approved Date: May, 2014
Last Updated: January 2003