Fairfax R-III


R 5240 Weather, Earthquake and Fire Emergencies

The Board recognizes the necessity for a planned safety program to ensure to the extent possible a safe environment for students, staff and visitors. The responsibility for ensuring safe conditions throughout the District is shared by the Board, Superintendent and staff. The Superintendent/ designee, at the Board's direction will be responsible for the development and implementation of a safety program to include, but not be limited to, weather, fire and civil defense emergencies.

The Superintendent/designee is authorized to dismiss schools, at his/her discretion, because of hazardous road conditions or other conditions which would make the operation of schools impractical or hazardous to students and staff.

At the direction of the Superintendent/designee, building principals will determine areas in each building which, in the principal's opinion, are best suited for the protection of students and staff during civil defense emergencies. School will not be dismissed in the case of civil defense alerts or tornado warnings.

The Superintendent/designee will provide for fire inspections on announced and unannounced bases for each building. The Superintendent/designee will also be responsible for remedying unsafe conditions in school buildings which have been reported by local fire marshals acting in their official capacity. Building principals are responsible for preparing a fire drill and emergency exit plan for their buildings. Exit plans will be posted in each classroom and reviewed with the students on a regular basis. Fire drills will be conducted during the first full week of school and on a quarterly basis thereafter to ensure safe and efficient exit in the event of an emergency.

Earthquake Emergency Procedure System

At the direction of the Board, the District has established and implemented an earthquake emergency procedure system for each school. In developing and implementing its earthquake emergency procedure, the District has obtained assistance from the Missouri Emergency Management Agency.

The earthquake emergency procedure will include, but not be limited to, the following components:

  1. Building disaster plans to monitor the safety and care of students and staff.

  2. At least two earthquake emergency preparedness drills in each school per school year.

  3. Specific procedures and protective measures to be taken before, during and following an earthquake.

  4. Awareness and training for students and staff concerning the District's earthquake emergency procedure system.

The District's earthquake emergency procedure system is available for inspection in the District's administrative offices during normal business hours.

At the beginning of each school year, the District staff will distribute to students the earthquake awareness and safety information prepared by the Federal and Missouri Emergency Management Agencies.

NOTE: The above earthquake procedure management system is required for the Missouri counties listed below.

Adair New Madrid
Audrain Oregon
Bollinger Osage
Boone Pemiscott
Butler Perry
Callaway Pike
Cape Girardeau Putnam
Carter Ralls
Chariton Randolph
Clark Reynolds
Cole Ripley
Dunklin Schuyler
Howard Scotland
Iron Scott
Jefferson Shelby
Knox St. Charles
Lewis St. Francois
Lincoln Ste. Genevieve
Macon St. Louis
Madison Stoddard
Marion Warren
Mississippi Washington
Monroe Wayne

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Board Approved Date: May, 2014
Last Updated: January 2003