Hallsville R-IV


P 0312 Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment

The Board accepts ultimate responsibility for all facets of the operations of the School District. Because it is accountable to the patrons of the District, the Board will maintain a program of accountability that will help to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Clearly state expectations and purposes as these relate to District operations, programs, departments and positions.
  2. Provide necessary resources and support to enable the professional and support staff to achieve stated expectations and purposes subject to the financial resources of the District.
  3. Evaluate District operations, programs, services and instructional activities to determine how well expectations and purposes are being met.
  4. Evaluate the efforts of the employees of the Board and of the Board itself in accordance with stated objectives. The first purpose of personnel evaluation will be to help each individual make a maximum contribution to the goals and objectives of the School District.

The Superintendent shall implement procedures to ensure continued progress and improvement of the District operations through a program of meaningful evaluations and assessments.

Board Approved Date: September, 1999
Last Updated: September 1999