As performance objectives for a Board member in the Hallsville R-IV Schools, the Board subscribes to and readily endorses the following "Code of Ethics".
- I will be a staunch advocate of high quality free public education for all Missouri children. In fulfilling my responsibilities, I will think of "children first".
- I will, as an agent of the state, uphold and enforce all laws, rules, regulations, and court orders pertaining to public schools. I will strive to bring any needed change only through legal and ethical procedures.
- I will strive to help create public schools which meet the individual educational needs of all children regardless of their ability, race, creed, sex, or social standing.
- I will work unremittingly to help my community understand the importance of proper support for public education, whether it be in providing adequate finance, optimum facilities, staffing and resources, or better educational programs for children.
- I will join with my Board, staff, community, and students in becoming fully informed about the nature, value, and direction of contemporary education in our society. I will support needed change in our schools.
- I will strive to ensure that the community is fully and accurately informed about our schools and will try to interpret community aspirations to the school staff.
- I will recognize that my responsibility is not to "run the schools" through administration, but together with my fellow Board members I will see that they are well-run through effective policies.
- I will attempt to confine my Board action to policy making, planning and appraisal, and will help to frame policies and plans after my Board has consulted when feasible with those who will be affected by its actions.
- I will arrive at conclusions only after discussing all aspects of the issue at hand with my fellow Board members in a meeting. I will respect the opinions of others and abide by the principle of majority rule.
- I will recognize that authority rests only with the whole Board assembled in a meeting and will make no personal promises nor take any private action which may compromise the Board.
- I will acknowledge that the Board represents the entire school community, and will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interests of partisan political groups. I will never use my position on the Board for the gain of myself or my friends.
- I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to schools which, if disclosed, might needlessly injure individuals or the schools.
- I will insist that all school business transactions be open and ethical.
- I will strive to appoint the best professional leader available when a vacancy exists in the chief administrative position.
- I will strive to appoint the best trained technical and professional personnel available, upon recommendation by the appropriate administrative officers.
- I will support and protect school personnel in the proper performance of their duties. I will strive to ensure that all personnel have not only the requisite responsibilities but the necessary authority to perform effectively.
- I will refer all complaints through the proper "chain of command" within the system and will act on such complaints at public meetings only when administrative solutions fail.