Hallsville R-IV


R 3610 Management


It is not the intent of the Superintendent's office to infringe in any way upon the activities program of the schools. The procedures below are set forth only to insure a more accurate accounting of funds and to present a more realistic status of accounts on a month to month basis.


The purpose of these instructions is to define the procedures to be followed in the receipt of, account for, and disbursing of the activity funds money.


  1. The Superintendent's office will coordinate with the office of the principal in order to have collection agents for each major occasion where money is to be received. Included will be the major activities during the academic year, and a schedule of these will be worked out with the principal of each school.
    Box office receipts: A person from the administrative office will pick up the money from ticket sales from school events and will deposit them in the night depository.
  2. All purchase orders will be initiated by the principals of their respective schools. Purchase orders shall be listed numerically at the time they are issued. No requisitions will be processed until properly cleared and the necessary purchase orders prepared in line with the above. The complete set of purchase orders will be sent to the Superintendent's office for encumbering and signature. Both copies will then be returned to the principal's office where one copy will be sent to the vendor and one retained for the file.
    The Superintendent's office will present to the Board for approval only those bills for which there is a copy on file at the principal's office, an itemized invoice and a signed copy of the purchase order and invoice to indicate the merchandise has been received and is acceptable. All invoices, statements and correspondence related to purchases and billings should be sent to the Superintendent's office upon receipt.
  3. All concessions in the school will be awarded according to the needs of organizations and with respect to their goals and objectives as to the need for the funds.
  4. All teachers supplying students with items that are necessary for classes such as physical education, athletics, music and laboratory supplies, other than books, will give the student a list of items needed. The student will report to the office and pay the appropriate fee. The receipt will then be shown to the teacher and supplies issued.
  5. Organizations and clubs will not be allowed to purchase or make obligations unless their account funds will cover the items needed. Teacher sponsors of the various organizations shall monitor accounts closely to see that their organizations remain financially sound.

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Board Approved Date: September, 1999
Last Updated: September 1999