District library guidelines are based on the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights. School District media personnel are concerned with generating understanding of American freedoms through the development of informed and responsible citizens. To this end the American Association of School Librarians asserts that the responsibility of the school library media center is:
Selection Procedures
Curriculum needs are considered first and foremost in selection of library materials and equipment. The librarian must have a thorough knowledge of the curriculum, the strengths and weaknesses of the current collection, and an understanding of the students' abilities and skills. The librarian can then effectively select materials which will not only meet the instructional objectives, but will be educationally enriching to the student and fully utilized by the teacher.
Knowledge of student interests and capabilities will enable the librarian to select educational and enjoyable materials acceptable to the student for recreational reading. Faculty and students are encouraged to suggest materials to be considered for purchase. The final decision is left to the librarian (based on the criteria listed below) and with the principal approving the requisition. Materials will be examined upon delivery and will be kept if they fill the need for which they were intended.
Selection Criteria to Consider
Weeding Procedures
Removing materials from the library that are no longer useful is important in maintaining a collection which is timely, reliable, and inviting. The librarian will examine materials while doing the end of year inventory and during routine day-to-day circulation of materials. Anything meeting the criteria for weeding will be withdrawn from library records and discarded. If it is an item for which there is still a need, a replacement will be purchased; if a purchase is not possible at that time, it shall be added to the Teacher/Student Request List for future consideration.
Criteria for Materials to be Weeded
Objectionable Materials
Students or parents/guardians who find materials in the library objectionable in any manner may make a formal complaint by obtaining from the Superintendent's office Form 6241 - Review of Instructional Materials. (See also Policy and Regulation 6241 - Challenged Materials.)
This written complaint will be considered by the Superintendent and the librarian in weighing the educational value of that particular book, filmstrip, etc., against the segment found objectionable to the complainant. Contingent with their decision, the material will be returned to the shelf for continued use, or removed from library circulation.
Hallsville R-IV School District welcomes gifts of books, periodicals subscriptions, works of art, media, other educational materials and equipment, and money for the purchase of library media materials and equipment.
Materials and equipment are accepted with the understanding that the item(s) meet(s) the criteria in the District’s Selection Procedures.
Gifts are irrevocable; those not added or deleted from the collection may be disposed of as the library media specialist deems appropriate.
Delegated District or library personnel reserve the right to determine appropriate use, housing and maintenance of gifts.
Under no circumstances does the librarian or any other District personnel appraise gifts.
Bookplates or the appropriate labels identifying the donor will be placed in books or on donated items unless the donor prefers anonymity.
The Hallsville R-IV School District recognizes the need for confidentiality of school library records as defined in H.B. 1372 of the Missouri statutes and the policy statement adopted by the American Library Association (ALA Policy 52.5, 54.15)
Consistent with those documents, no person (certified, uncertified, or volunteer) will release any part of any library record of any student, faculty or other library user to any third party except under the stipulations defined in Section 2 of H.B. 1372.