Marquand-Zion R-VI


P 5205 Lead Testing in Water Samples

The District may elect to test samples of potable water in District facilities serving students under first grade in buildings built prior to 1996.  The purpose of such testing would be to determine the presence of and quantity of lead.  If election to test is made, the District will submit sample(s) to a department of health approved laboratory for analysis for the presence of lead.  Written sampling results will be submitted to the Department of Health within seven (7) days of receipt.

If any of the submitted samples exceed standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the District will promptly notify by written or electronic communication to the parents/guardian of all enrolled students.  Notice to parents/guardians will include the:

  1. Sampling location within the building;
  2. EPA’s website for information for lead in the drinking water; and
  3. The specific lead level in each testing site.

If any of the samples are at or below five parts per billion, parental notification may be made by posting on the District’s website.

Board Approved Date: October 25, 2022
Last Updated: August 2020