Newtown-Harris R-III


P 4860 Personnel Records

Personnel files on all employees will be maintained in the District's administrative offices. It is the intent of the Board of Education to maintain complete and current personnel files, including all information necessary to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act, for all District employees.

The District will maintain the following information in personnel files: applications, certification documents, performance evaluations, current transcripts, employment contracts and performance related documents. Medical records, including health insurance records, will be maintained separately. Files containing immigration records will be kept separate from personnel files.

The personnel file(s) of an individual employee will be considered confidential to the extent allowed by law. Access to personnel files will be on a strict need-to-know basis by appropriate District administrators, legal counsel, or state agencies with authority.

Upon request to and in the presence of the appropriate administrative official, any employee will have the right during regular working hours to inspect his/her own personnel file, with the exception of the ratings, reports and records obtained prior to the employment of the individual, including confidential placement papers.

Information of a critical nature will not be entered or filed in the employee's personnel folder until the employee is given notice, as well as an opportunity to review the information and comment thereon. The employee will have the right to append a reply to the statement, which will also be included in the folder.

Last Updated: January 2003