Newtown-Harris R-III


P 4630 Staff Conduct

The Board of Education requires all staff members to serve as positive role models for District students.  District schools exist to provide quality, cognitive, and affective education for District students in a safe and appropriate setting.  In achieving these objectives, staff are required to meet certain performance criteria including, but not limited to:

  1. Review and comply with Board policies, regulations, and procedures as well as related building rules and practices.
  2. Properly prepare for student instruction.
  3. Fully utilize instructional time for learning activities.
  4. Maintain students under active supervision at all times.
  5. Assess student performance in a regular and accurate manner.
  6. Modify instructional goals to meet the needs of each student.
  7. Comply with administrative directives.
  8. Communicate with students in a professional and respectful manner.
  9. Communicate with colleagues, parents and District citizens in a professional manner.
  10. Properly operate and maintain district property.
  11. Utilize district technology solely for school district business.
  12. Maintain required records and submit requested reports in a timely manner.
  13. Comply with all safety guidelines and directives.
  14. Refrain from the use of profane and obscene language.
  15. Dress in a professional manner.
  16. Attend to all duties in a punctual manner.
  17. Maintain student confidentiality pursuant to state and federal law.
  18. Follow and implement student Individual Education Programs (IEP) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or plans under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
  19. Maintain and account for District funds in the staff member’s possession and control.
  20. Maintain professional relationships with students.  With the exception of students who are immediate family with the staff member, this requirement also includes avoiding situations that could lead to allegations of inappropriate relationships with students, including, but not limited to:
    1. Being present in any setting where students are provided or are consuming alcohol or illegal drugs.
    2. Inviting students to be alone with a staff member at a staff member’s residence, on staff member’s private property, or in a staff member’s motor vehicle without the prior consent of the building principal.
    3. Communicating with students, electronically or in person, about the student’s sexual activity or concerning the staff member’s sexual or romantic conduct.
    4. Being present on District premises alone with a student in a room where the door is closed, the door is locked, or the lights are off, unless required temporarily due to emergency circumstances.  Counselors and administrators are exempted from this prohibition in performance of professional duties.
    5. Covering the interior window(s) of instructional space and offices with any material that blocks or obscures outside vision into the space, unless required temporarily due to emergency circumstances.
    6. Communicating with students about sexual topics outside approved District curriculum, unless done as part of a District investigation into sexual abuse or harassment.
    7. Utilizing students to attend to personal errands for the staff member.
    8. Allowing students to drive a staff member’s vehicle.
    9. Provision to a student of any pictorial, three-dimensional or visual depiction of sexual acts of any sort as well as human genitals. However, works of art, when taken as a whole, have serious significance or materials used in science class are not considered to be violations of this subparagraph. Questions regarding the applicability of the subparagraph must be directed to the teacher’s building administrator.

Board Approved Date: October 09, 2024
Last Updated: August 2022