Newtown-Harris R-III


P 2810 Counseling Services

The District is committed fully to implement a counseling program that supports the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students, leading District students to successful transitions into post-secondary education and into the workforce. The District’s counseling program is implemented with the services of fully certified school counselors supported by teachers, administrators, parents and students.  The District counseling program is designed and implemented in a manner to be consistent with the standards of the Missouri Comprehensive Counseling Program.

The content of the District’s program, consistent with the Missouri Comprehensive Counseling Program, is divided into three broad areas as follows:

Academic Development (ACAD)

  1. Students will apply skills needed for achievement in school, both cognitive and affective.
  2. Students will utilize skills necessary to successfully transition between educational levels.
  3. Individual student learning plans will be developed and monitored throughout the students’ District learning experience.
  4. IEP committees may recommend that individual student learning plans be waived for specific students with a disability.

Career Development

  1. Students will achieve life career goals through the consistent application of career exploration and planning skills.
  2. Students will identify and locate information relevant to the “World of Work” and post-secondary training/education.
  3. Students will achieve on-the-job success through the application of employment readiness skills.

 Personal/Social Development

  1. Students will achieve an understanding of themselves as individuals and as members of diverse local and global communities.
  2. Students will interact with others in ways that manifest respect for individual and group differences.
  3. Students will learn to apply personal safety skills and coping strategies.

Identification of Critical Workforce Needs and Shortages

  1. Students will be given workforce needs and shortages information that will support students’ career pathway decisions prepared by the State Board of Education and the Department of Economic Development by November 1 of each school year.
  2. Information received through collaboration between the State Board and the Department of Economic Development will be disseminated to students by November 1 of each school year.

Board Approved Date: December 13, 2023
Last Updated: August 2023