Newtown-Harris R-III


P 2870 Administering Medicines to Students

It shall be the policy of the Board of Education that the giving of medicine to students during school hours be discouraged and restricted to medication that cannot be given on an alternative schedule. The Board of Education recognizes that some students may require medication for chronic or short-term illness/injury during the school day to enable them to remain in school and participate in their education. Employees providing routine first aid according to District procedures will be immune from liability or disciplinary action. Similarly, trained employees will be immune from civil liability for administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other lifesaving methods in good faith and according to standard medical practices. The Board of Education also recognizes that the administration of medication may be required under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and/or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to provide a free appropriate public education for identified as disabled under those laws.

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Last Updated: November 2010