Newtown-Harris R-III


P 2875 Student Allergy Prevention and Response

The purpose of this policy is to create an organized system for preventing and responding to allergic reactions in accordance with House Bill 922 (2009). This policy is not a guarantee of an allergen-free environment; instead, it is designed to increase awareness, provide education and training, reduce the chance of exposure and outline responses to allergic reactions.

This policy applies to district facilities to which students have access and includes transportation provided by the district. The Board instructs the superintendent or designee to develop procedures to implement this policy.


An allergic reaction is an immune system response to a substance that itself is not harmful but that the body interprets as being harmful. Allergic reactions range from mild to life- threatening. Each school in the district will attempt to identify students with life-threatening allergies, including food allergies. At enrollment, the person enrolling the student will be asked to provide information on any allergies the student may have.


Students with allergies that rise to the level of a disability as defined by law will be accommodated in accordance with district policies and procedures pertaining to the identification and accommodation of students with disabilities. An Individualized Health Plan (IHP), including an Emergency Action Plan (EAP), may be developed for students with allergies that do not rise to the level of a disability.

All staff members are required to follow any 504 Plan or IHP/EAP developed for a student by the district. Staff members who do not follow an existing 504 Plan or IHP/EAP will be disciplined, up to and including termination.

Staff members shall not use air fresheners, oils, candles, incense or other such items intended to add fragrance in any district facilities. This provision will not be construed to prohibit the use of personal care items that contain added fragrance, but the principal may require staff members to refrain from the use of personal care items with added fragrance under particular circumstances.

Staff members are prohibited from using cleaning materials, disinfectants, pesticides or other chemicals except those provided by the district.

The district will not serve any processed foods, including foods sold in vending machines, which are not labeled with a complete list of ingredients. Vended items must include a list of ingredients on the individual package. The food service director will create an ingredient list for all foods provided by the district as part of the district's nutrition program, including food provided during the school day and in before- and after-school programs. This list will be available upon request.

Prepackaged items used in concessions, fundraisers and classroom activities must include a list of ingredients on the package. If the package does not contain a list of ingredients, the list of ingredients must be available at the location where the package is sold or provided.

Education and Training

All staff members will be annually trained on the causes and symptoms of and responses to allergic reactions. Training will include instruction on the use of epinephrine premeasured auto-injection devices.

Age-appropriate education on allergies and allergic reactions will be provided to students as such education aligns with state Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs) for health education. Education will include potential causes, information on avoiding allergens, signs and symptoms of allergic reactions and simple steps students can take to keep classmates safe.


Information about individual students with allergies will be provided to all staff members and others who need to know the information to provide a safe learning environment for the student. Information about individual students with allergies will be shared with students and others who do not have a legitimate educational interest in the information only to the extent authorized by the parent/guardian or as otherwise permitted by law, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


Response to an allergic reaction shall be in accordance with established procedures, including application of the student's 504 Plan or IHP/EAP, where applicable. Each building will maintain an adequate supply of epinephrine premeasured auto-injection devices to be administered in accordance with Board policy.

View Regulation

Last Updated: November 2010