Newtown-Harris R-III


R 2320 Part-time Attendance

The District recognizes the need of some students to attend school on a part-time basis. The Board has established the following regulation regarding part-time attendance. It is the intent of this regulation to meet the individual needs of each student and at the same time establish rules and regulations which will preserve the discipline, health, and academic standards of the school.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. The student must have parent/guardian approval if under 18 years of age.

  2. The student must demonstrate a definite need to attend school on a part-time basis. Examples are: a) financial needs of student or family, b) health problems of self or family, c) vocational training in school or on the job, d) enrollment in a school of higher education, and e) unique curriculum offerings.

Application Procedure

The student must secure an appointment with the guidance counselor or school principal prior to classification as a part-time student. The student must complete a part-time attendance request form at the conference. Before any decision is given concerning the request, a conference must be held with the student's parent/guardian if the student is under 18 years of age. All applications and conferences must be completed during the time preceding the semester in which the student is to be enrolled on a part-time basis.

After an application has been submitted, the principal shall rule on the request and report to the Superintendent the names of all students who are to be enrolled on a part-time basis. This same report shall be transmitted to the Board of Education. In the event the principal denies the request, the student may appeal to the Superintendent who must respond in a reasonable time. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Superintendent, an appeal may be made to the Board of Education with the appeal to be heard at the next meeting of the Board.

The student must renew the request for part-time attendance status each semester. Parental conference will not be required for renewal; however, the parent/guardian will be notified of the student's continued part-time enrollment status.

Part-time students are governed by the same rules and regulations that apply to regularly enrolled students.

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Last Updated: January 2003