Newtown-Harris R-III


R 4850 Staff Dispute Resolution


Grievance - A claim by a nonsupervisory employee or employees that a written Board policy or administrative regulation has been violated or misapplied. This policy is not applicable to the content of performance evaluations nor to decisions for which state statute may provide a means of resolving disputes, including but not limited to nonrenewal, termination and reduction in force.

Day - When the dispute resolution policy requires certain action to be taken within a specific number of days, days means working days and specifically excludes weekends and school holidays. In counting days, the day on which the event initiating the time limit is not counted.

Informal Resolution

Employees who believe that a written Board policy or administrative regulation has been violated must meet with their immediate supervisor within ten (10) days of the alleged violation. The purpose of this informal conference is to attempt to provide clarification of the issue and, where possible, resolve the dispute.

If the dispute is not resolved within four (4) working days of the informal conference, the employee may initiate the formal procedure by completing an appropriate District dispute form and submitting this form to the employee's immediate supervisor. A completed grievance form must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor within ten (10) days of the informal conference.

Step One: Immediate Supervisor

Within four (4) days of receipt of the completed dispute form, the immediate supervisor will schedule a meeting with the employee and the employee's employee representative, if desired. Within ten (10) days of this conference, the immediate supervisor will provide the employee with a written response to the dispute.

Step Two: Superintendent's Designee

If the employee is not satisfied with the resolution at Step One, the employee may refer the dispute in writing to the Superintendent. To proceed to Step Two, the written dispute referral must be submitted to the Superintendent within four (4) days of receipt of the Step One decision. Upon receipt of the referral, the Superintendent shall designate a District employee to hear the Step Two dispute. Within four (4) days of receipt of the Step Two referral, the Superintendent's designee shall schedule a conference with the employee and his/her employee representative if desired. Within ten (10) days of the conference the Superintendent's designee will provide the employee with a written response to the dispute.

Step Three: Review by the Superintendent

If the employee is not satisfied with the resolution of Step Two, the employee may refer the dispute in writing for the Superintendent's direct review. To proceed to Step Three, the written dispute referral must be submitted to the Superintendent within four (4) days of receipt of the Step Two decision. Within four (4) days of receipt of the written referral, the Superintendent shall schedule a conference with the employee and his/her employee representative, if desired. Within ten (10) days of this conference, the Superintendent will provide the employee with a written response to the dispute.

Step Four: Board of Education Review

If the employee is not satisfied with the resolution at Step Three, the employee may refer the dispute in writing for the Board's consideration. To proceed to Step Four, the written dispute referral must be submitted to the Superintendent within four (4) days of receipt of the Step Three decision. At the next regular Board meeting following submission of the Step Four referral, the Board will consider the dispute and determine whether to conduct a formal review of the dispute. If the Board determines that its formal review is not necessary, the decision at Step Three becomes final.

If the Board determines that its formal review is warranted by the dispute, the Board will set a date for formal review. At formal review both parties are entitled to be represented by legal counsel. Procedures for formal presentations of the dispute are determined by the Board in its discretion. Within ten (10) days of the formal review, the Board will provide the employee with its written decision. The decision of the Board is final and binding on all parties.

Miscellaneous Provisions

  1. Failure of an employee to comply with the timelines provided in the procedures above will result in final rejection of the dispute.

  2. Failure of the administrator to comply with the timelines provided in the procedures above will result in the dispute being advanced to the next step.

  3. Neither party to a dispute will be permitted to add witnesses or documentation that were not provided at preceding steps.

  4. No employee will be retaliated against for the good faith submission and processing of a dispute under these regulations

View Policy

Last Updated: January 2003