Newtown-Harris R-III


R 5110 Building and Grounds Maintenance and Inspection

Each building principal shall give attention to the condition of the buildings in his/her care as to cleanliness, heating, ventilation and general maintenance, in order to safeguard the health, safety and comfort of the students and employees. Principals shall report conditions needing attention to the appropriate administrator.

The principal of each school shall regularly inspect and identify any hazardous conditions in his/her area of supervision and promptly report them in writing to the Superintendent's designee. The reports will identify conditions and suggest corrections. The designee shall regularly report to the Superintendent regarding such conditions and plans to correct.

The Superintendent/designee is directed to maintain a proper preventive maintenance program and include adequate funds to sustain this program in the budget recommendation. Provisions of this program should include the following:

  1. The Superintendent and building principals will periodically inspect the buildings and grounds and report findings to the Board.

  2. Improvements and additions to the buildings and grounds will be made as established by capital outlay line items approved in the budget by the Board.

  3. An adequate custodial services program for all buildings will be maintained.

  4. School grounds and fields will be maintained and improved when necessary to ensure a safe, functional and attractive environment.

  5. District buildings and equipment will be repaired, painted and replaced as needed.

  6. Obsolete equipment will be identified.

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Last Updated: January 2003