Strasburg C-3


P 4310 General Attendance

Regular attendance is essential in providing District students with a high quality of instruction. The following personal time off with pay will be provided to full-time Certificated and Classified employees. Regular part-time Certificated and Classified employees will receive these leaves on a pro rata basis. This policy does not apply to temporary or substitute staff members unless otherwise noted.

Certificated and Classified staff employees whose assignments call for 12 months of full-time employment will receive 12 days of personal time off. Certificated and Classified staff employees whose assignments call for 11 months of full-time employment will receive 11 days of personal time off. Certificated and Classified staff employees whose assignments call for full-time employment only during the regular school term will receive 10 days of personal time off. Unused personal time off will be cumulative to 90 days. Absences will be reported hourly.

$50 for full-time certificated staff and $30 for full-time classified staff, will be paid up to ninety days,  when the employee leaves or retires from the district. Certificated part-time and classified part-time employees, will be paid on a pro-rated basis.

Board Approved Date: December 14, 2023
Last Updated: December 2023