Tarkio R-I


R 2310 Student Attendance

The Board of Education has established the following rules and regulations regarding attendance, absences and excuses for students. These rules and regulations are intended to comply with Missouri Compulsory Attendance Law (167.031 RSMo.) which establishes compulsory attendance for all children between the ages of seven and sixteen unless their education is provided by other acceptable means or otherwise excusable under the law.

A student’s attendance in the classroom is one of the most important parts of a student’s educational experience.
Absences from the classroom can never be compensated for or made up. There is a direct relationship between
poor attendance, class failure, and the dropout rate. Students who have good attendance usually achieve better
grades, enjoy school, and are more desirable employees after leaving school. It is the parent(s) or guardian(s)
responsibility to decide at what times and for what reasons a student should not come to school. It is the school’s
responsibility to set limits upon a student’s absence to comply with state attendance laws and for the students to
receive the most benefit from the educational program.
Absences must be verified by a parent/guardian with a phone call or note. If it is necessary for a student to be
absent from school for any reason, parents or legal guardians should call the school (736-4177) by 9:00 AM. After
9:00 AM the school will attempt to contact the parent. If there has been no contact between the school and
parents verifying the absence, a note signed by the parent must be presented upon the student’s return to school.
Students are required to make up work missed. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for the
assignment(s). It is the responsibility of the student to obtain assignments in advance if the absence is foreseen.
The school, upon request, will collect assignments and books for students missing more than one day. Upon
returning to school after an absence, students will have one day for each day absent to complete all make-up
work. For example: absent Monday and Tuesday, work to be turned in Thursday and Friday. If a student is absent
on the day of an announced test, the student must take that test upon his/her return to school. Teachers may
assign the same assignments as done in class or different make-up assignments for an excused absence. This work
should be done outside regular class hours. Students failing to make up back work may be subject to mandatory
after school study halls, ISS or Saturday School.
Students must be in attendance 95% of the days per semester (they may miss up to four days per semester).
Absences will be kept on a per class/hourly basis. Excused absences are defined as:
1.Illness or injury of the student. Students must have a signed statement from a doctor or physician.  Parents calling their students in sick without confirmation from a doctor or physician will constitute an unexcused absence.  If the school nurse or personnel send the student home due to sickness or a medical issue the absence will be considered excused.  
2. Parents or guardians should make every effort to make medical and dental appointments for their
children before/after school or on days when school is not in session. If it is necessary for the student to
be absent from school, the student must have a note from the attending physician/dentist. The student
will only be excused for the time needed for the appointment or time indicated by the physician/dentist.
3. Other appointments that cannot be scheduled outside attendance hours, (court appearances, driver’s
test) with written excuse from parent. Other documentation may be required.
4. Days of religious observance.
5. Students may request up to three days excused absence for the death of an immediate relative.
6. All other funerals may be granted upon the approval of the high school principal. Documentation may be
7. Visits with parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member of the military who has been called to
duty for, is on leave from, or is immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat
support posting, with permission of the superintendent or designee.
8. Family emergencies, which necessitate absence from school. The school must be notified when such absences are necessary.   Examples of unforeseen emergencies: fire, flooding, illness or injury of
a member of the student’s family when the student’s presence is necessary or expected, with a written
excuse from parent.
9. School functions and activities will be excused.
10. Students assigned to “In School Suspension” will be counted in attendance at school.
11. Out-of-School suspension
12. Any other absence due to a cause the administration considers unavoidable
All other absences are considered unexcused. Unexcused absences are subject to disciplinary action and will result
in the student receiving zero credit for the class(es). Five (5) tardies will be counted as an unexcused absence. Any
student with seven (7) or more unexcused absences per semester will be reported to the juvenile office. Students
failing to make up work may be subject to mandatory after school study halls, ISS or Saturday School. Examples of
unexcused absences include, but are not limited to truancy, hunting, shopping, haircut, oversleeping, personal
business, and “needed at home”, leaving for lunch, a reason that is not explained, or other activities that conflict
with school policy. Vacation with parents is to be pre-arranged with the principal. Excessive vacations will be
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds from the time they arrive until school is dismissed for the
day without permission from the administration. Students who are absent from school without the knowledge and
consent of their parents or school administration, or students who leave school during the school day without the
consent of the principal, are truant. Such absences are unexcused and truant students will be subject to additional
disciplinary consequences.
Students who have to leave school for appointments during the school day must sign-out in the office. The student
is to bring a note from a parent or guardian who should include the student’s name, the date and time of the
appointment, the reason for the absence and the parent’s or guardian’s signature. Students will be allowed to
leave only if picked up by a parent or if the parent has made prior arrangements through the principal’s office for
the student to leave. Additionally, students arriving at school after the school day has begun or students returning
to school after an appointment must sign-in at the school office.
Students must be present in school for the entire school day to be eligible to attend or participate in school sponsored activities, unless prior arrangements may be approved by the principal. If the event is held on Saturday,
the student must be in school the entire day on Friday (the day before). 


A student’s attendance in the classroom is one of the most important parts of a student’s educational experience.
Absences from the classroom can never be compensated for or made up. There is a direct relationship between
poor attendance, class failure, and the dropout rate. Students who have good attendance usually achieve better
grades, enjoy school, and are more desirable employees after leaving school. It is the parent(s) or guardian(s)
responsibility to decide at what times and for what reasons a student should not come to school. It is the school’s
responsibility to set limits upon a student’s absence to comply with state attendance laws and for the students to
receive the most benefit from the educational program.
Absences must be verified by a parent/guardian with a phone call or note. If it is necessary for a student to be
absent from school for any reason, parents or legal guardians should call the school (736-4118) by 9:00 AM. After
9:00 AM the school will attempt to contact the parent. If there has been no contact between the school and
parents verifying the absence, a note signed by the parent must be presented upon the student’s return to school.
Following an absence, a student must report to the office to receive an admit slip.
Students are required to make up work missed. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for the
assignment (s). It is the responsibility of the student to obtain assignments in advance if the absence is foreseen.
The school, upon request, will collect assignments and books for students missing more than one day. Upon
returning to school after an absence, students will have one day for each day absent to complete all make-up
work. For example: absent Monday and Tuesday, work to be turned in Thursday and Friday. If a student is absent
on the day of an announced test, the student must take that test upon his/her return to school. Teachers may
assign the same assignments as done in class or different make-up assignments for an excused absence. This work
should be done outside regular class hours. Students failing to make up back work may be subject to mandatory
after school study halls, ISS or Saturday School.

Students must be in attendance 95% of the days per semester (they may miss up to four days per semester).
Absences will be kept on a per class/hourly basis. Excused absences are defined as:
1. Illness with a doctor's note on the day of return
2. Parents or guardians should make every effort to make medical and dental appointments for their
children before/after school or on days when school is not in session. If it is necessary for the student to
be absent from school, the student must have a note from the attending physician/dentist. The student
will only be excused for the time needed for the appointment or time indicated by the physician/dentist.
3. Other appointments that cannot be scheduled outside attendance hours, (court appearances, driver’s
test) with written excuse from parent. Other documentation may be required.
4. Days of religious observance.
5. Students may request up to three days excused absence for the death of an immediate relative.
6. All other funerals may be granted upon the approval of the high school principal. Documentation may be
7. Visits with parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member of the military who has been called to
duty for, is on leave from, or is immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat
support posting, with permission of the superintendent or designee.
8. Family emergencies, which necessitate absence from school. The school must be notified in advance
when such absences are foreseen. Examples of unforeseen emergencies: fire, flooding, illness or injury of
a member of the student’s family when the student’s presence is necessary or expected, with a written
excuse from parent.
9. School functions and activities will be excused.
10. Students assigned to “In School Suspension” will be counted in attendance at school.
11. Out-of-School suspension
12. Any other absence due to a cause the administration considers unavoidable
All other absences are considered unexcused. Unexcused absences are subject to disciplinary action and will result
in the student receiving zero credit for the class(es). Five (5) tardies will be counted as an unexcused absence. Any
student with seven (7) or more unexcused absences per semester will be reported to the juvenile office. Students
failing to make up work may be subject to mandatory after school study halls, ISS or Saturday School. Examples of
unexcused absences include, but are not limited to truancy, hunting, shopping, haircut, oversleeping, personal
business, and “needed at home”, leaving for lunch, a reason that is not explained, or other activities that conflict
with school policy. Vacation with parents is to be pre-arranged with the principal. Excessive vacations will be
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds from the time they arrive until school is dismissed for the
day without permission from the administration. Students who are absent from school without the knowledge and
consent of their parents or school administration, or students who leave school during the school day without the
consent of the principal, are truant. Such absences are unexcused and truant students will be subject to additional
disciplinary consequences.
Students who have to leave school for appointments during the school day must sign-out in the office. The student
is to bring a note from a parent or guardian who should include the student’s name, the date and time of the
appointment, the reason for the absence and the parent’s or guardian’s signature. Students will be allowed to
leave only if picked up by a parent or if the parent has made prior arrangements through the principal’s office for
the student to leave. Additionally, students arriving at school after the school day has begun or students returning
to school after an appointment must sign-in at the school office.
A student arriving to class 20 minutes late will be considered absent from that class and must have an admit slip
from the office. A student arriving late, but in the first 20 minutes of the period is considered tardy and should
have a tardy slip.
Students must be present in school for the entire school day to be eligible to attend or participate in school sponsored activities, unless prior arrangements may be approved by the principal. If the event is held on Saturday,
the student must be in school the entire day on Friday (the day before). 

View Policy

Board Approved Date: May 15, 2024
Last Updated: May 2024