Tarkio R-I


R 6190 Virtual Education - Less than Full-Time Equivalent

The District will annually permit any eligible student, under the age of twenty-one (21) who resides in the District, to enroll in Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (“Program”) courses as part of the student’s annual course load. Course costs will be paid by the District provided that the student:

  1. Is enrolled full-time and has attended a public school, including a charter school, for at least one (1) semester immediately prior to enrolling in the Program. However, if the reason for a student’s non-attendance in the prior semester is a documented medical or psychological diagnosis or condition which prevented attendance, such non-attendance will be excused; and
  2. Prior to enrolling in the Program course has received District approval through the procedure set out in this Regulation 6190.

Each Program course successfully completed will count as one class and will receive that portion of a full-time equivalent that a comparable course offered by the District generates.

A. Enrollment

The enrollment process for participation in the Program will be substantially similar to the enrollment process for participation in District courses. In making the enrollment decision, the District may consider the suitability of virtual courses based upon prior participation in virtual courses by the student. In addition, available opportunities for in-person instruction will be considered prior to enrolling a student in virtual courses. The process may include consultation with a school counselor. However, consultation does not include the counselor’s approval or disapproval of enrollment in the Program. However, the District has ten (10) business days from the date the application was submitted to the District to approve or deny the application.

When a District school denies a student’s enrollment in a Program course, the District will provide in writing a “good cause” reason for the denial. Such good cause determination will be based upon a reasonable determination that the enrollment is not in the student’s best educational interest. Where enrollment is denied, the student/parent/guardian may seek review of the decision in the same manner as the District allows review from denial of enrollment in an in-class course.

Program credits previously earned by a student transferring into the District will be accepted by the District. Students who are participating in a Program course at the time of transfer shall continue in the course with the District assessing future monthly payments.

Home school and private students wishing to take additional courses beyond their school’s regular course load will be permitted to enroll in Program courses under an agreement, including the student’s payment of tuition or course fees.

B. Payment for Program Courses

Cost associated with Program courses shall be paid by the District for students satisfying subsection (1) of this Regulation 6190. Payments will be made on a monthly cost basis prorated over the semester enrolled. Payments will be made directly to the Program contract provider. Such payments per semester will not exceed the market cost, but in no case more than 7% of the state adequacy target per semester. In the event a Program participant discontinues their enrollment, the District will discontinue monthly payments made on the student’s behalf.

In the case of a student who is a candidate for A+ tuition reimbursement and who is enrolled in a Program course, the District will attribute no less than ninety-five (95%) percent attendance to any such student who has successfully completed such Program course. K-8 Districts will be required to pay the District for Program attendees residing in the K-8 District.

C. Program Course Evaluation

The District will consider recommendations made by DESE relative to a student’s continued Program enrollment. Based in part on DESE’s recommendations, the District may terminate or alter a course offering if the District, in its reasonable discretion, determines that the Program course(s) is not meeting the student’s educational needs.

Virtual school programs will provide the District with regular student progress reports for each student at least four (4) times per school year. The District will have access to academic and other relevant information on student success and engagement.

Independently, the District will monitor student progress and success in Program courses. The District will annually provide DESE with feedback regarding Program course quality.

The District is not obligated to provide computers, equipment or internet access except for eligible students with a disability in compliance with federal and state law.

The District will include students’ enrollment in the Program in determining the District’s average daily attendance (ADA). For students enrolled in the Program on a part-time basis, ADA will be calculated as a percentage of the total number of Program courses in which the student is enrolled by the number of courses required for full-time students.

The District will provide a copy of DESE’s Virtual School Guidance document to every District parent/guardian at the beginning of each school year and upon enrollment of every student enrolling after the beginning of the school year. In addition, the district will provide an electronic version of the Guidance document on the main page of the District’s website.

D. Students Disenrolled from Full-Time Virtual Schools

When a District student is disenrolled from a full-time virtual program, the virtual school must immediately notify the District of their disenrollment decision. Upon notice of such decision, the District will provide the parents/guardians of the student with a written list of available District educational options. Such student shall be promptly enrolled in their selected educational option. 

Any student disenrolled from a full-time virtual school will be prohibited from re-enrolling in the same virtual school for the remainder of the school year.

E. Notice

The District will inform District parents of their child’s right to participate in the Program. Opportunity to participate in the Program will be provided in parent handbooks, registration documents and on the homepage of the District’s website.

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Board Approved Date: October 16, 2024
Last Updated: September 2024