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4000 Personnel Services
PRF 4120.0 Employment Application - Certificated Staff
PRF 4120.1 Applicant Notice: Certificated Position
PRF 4120.2 Request for Criminal Record/Child Abuse or Neglect Check
PRF 4120.3 Request for Arrest Record
PRF 4120.4 Employment Application - Certificated Staff: Administration
PRF 4120.5 Applicant Notice - Administrative Position
PRF 4120.6 Employment Application - Support Staff
PRF 4120.7 Applicant Notice - Support Staff
PRF 4120.8 Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
PRF 4120.9 Employment Procedures
PRF 4130.0 Certificated Contracts: Permanent Teacher
PRF 4130.0 Certificated Contracts: Probationary Teacher
PRF 4130.2 Certificated Contracts: Building Administrator
PF 4131.0 Extra Duty/Extended Duty Contract
PF 4131.1 Coaching Code of Ethics
PRF 4221.0 Personnel Assignment and Transfer
PRF 4221.1 Overtime/Compensatory Time Report
PRF 4320.0 Application For Military Leave
PRF 4321.0 Family Medical Leave Act Forms
PRF 4321.1 Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee's Serious Health Condition
PRF 4321.1 FLMA: Certification of EE health condition WH-380
PRF 4321.2 FLMA: Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member's Serious Health Condition
PRF 4321.2 Certification of for Family Member Serious Health Condition WH-380-F
PRF 4321.3 FLMA: Employee Rights and Responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act
PRF 4321.3 FMLA Poster from DOL Site
PRF 4321.4 FMLA: Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibility
PRF 4321.4 Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities WH-381
PRF 4321.5 Designation Notice WH-382
PRF 4321.5 FMLA: Designation Notice
PRF 4321.6 FMLA: Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave
PRF 4321.6 Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Leave WH-384
PRF 4321.7 Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Current Servicemember - - for Military Family Leave
PRF 4321.7 FMLA: Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Current Servicemember - - for Military Family Leave
PRF 4321.8 FMLA: Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave
PRF 4321.8 Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave wh385V
PF 4610.0 Summative Evaluation Report
PF 4610.1 Certificated Personnel-Bank of Evaluation Criteria/Descriptors
PF 4610.2 Certificated Personnel: Formative Evaluation
PF 4610.3 Documentation of Routine Problems
PF 4610.4 Summary Memo
PF 4620.0 Summative Evaluation Report
PF 4700.0 Due Process Flow Chart
PRF 4730.0 Notice of Non-Renewal
PRF 4730.1 Statement of Reasons for Non-Renewal
PRF 4730.2 Standard of Performance: Probationary Teacher
PRF 4730.3 Due Process Flow Chart
PRF 4731.0 Notice of Deficiency: Permanent Teacher
PRF 4731.1 Statement of Charges: Permanent Teacher
PRF 4731.2 Notice of Hearing: Permanent Teacher
PRF 4731.3 Hearing Introduction: Permanent Teacher
PRF 4731.4 Hearing Agenda: Permanent Teacher
PF 4865.0 Whistleblower Protection - 105.055 RSMo
PRF 4871.1 Driver Drug Testing: Applicant Consent
PRF 4871.2 Driver Drug Testing: Employee Consent
PF 4872.0 Alcohol and Illicit Drugs
Last modified: May 24, 2024
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